In the case of this still, low-key lighting can be said to have been implemented. This can be said since although strong levels of light are visible in it such as on the side of the woman's face in particular, there is still quite a strong presence of dramatic shadows, often referred to as chiaroscuro. Additionally, there is quite a strong contrast with the smoke coming from what appears to be a cigarette between the fingers of the woman and the woman herself. This use of lighting here almost enshrouding the woman in a veil of mystery, helps add to this idea of her possibly being a femme-fatale character.
With this still low-key lighting is again used, however along with this top lighting is put into practice. While this is frequently used in order to make a character appear more glamorous by showcasing their facial features, in this case it's used to make the character look more dramatic. Since there's such a strong contrast present in the still (chiaroscuro), the only place where attention is really drawn to are the facial features of the woman, in which she appears to be particularly concerned with something.
This still of the individual who looks to be a monarch uses high-key lighting in addition to back lighting. With not a huge amount of contrast between light and dark, the lighting in this still is effective in making him look like a character of importance/significance as the crown he's wearing also connotes.
This fourth still image uses low-key lighting. Here it helps create strong, dramatic shadows on the character. Additionally, the use of top and back lighting emitting from what appears to be city lights, help create quite a dramatic undertone perhaps in suggestion to the underworld of society. What's also apparent is the firearm being held in the hand of the character which appears to be more brightly lit than the character himself This focus on the firearm helps make it appear as maybe if not as important, almost more important than the character in the still himself, perhaps suggesting a 'live by the gun, die by the gun,' criminal lifestyle.
The fifth still employs more low-key lighting. By doing this a dramatic shadow is produced of the character herself, adding to this idea of her facing impending doom as her frightened facial expression already suggests. Also with the character and her shadow via low-key lighting the only things actually visible in the poster coupled with her facial expression, a sense of mystery is created as we as viewers are totally unaware of what exactly the woman may be showing fear towards.
This still puts quite high-key lighting into use. With it being set in what looks like a reasonably dark room with the only source of light coming from the blinds on the right side of the image, the still produces a more realistic effect for the scene. This use of darkness bar the light shining through the blinds also helps portray the scene as a more intimate and private moment, as suggested by the kissing of the two characters.
This picture here adopts low-key lighting. As well as back lighting to help produce silhouettes/shadows of the characters, the low-key lighting of this still means that no specific features of the 4 characters in the centre of the still are actually distinguishable. However in the bottom-left corner of the image there's a silhouette of an individual flat out on the floor, with what looks like something going through his head. This creates a more menacing aura around the 4 standing individuals, as if they were responsible for whatever may have happened.
This still here uses low-key lighting and back lighting. Similarly to the fifth image, the only things present in this still are the character and her shadow, possible through the contrast and dramatic shadows with low-key lighting. Additionally with the light shining on the face of the woman, underlighting could have potentially been employed in order to add to a more ominous feel to the scene.
This image here uses high-key lighting. With the still appearing to be a lot more natural looking than most of the other ones, perhaps what's meant to be achieved in this is for the viewers to be empathetic towards the character since she may be going through quite a lot. This is also suggested by her hands appearing as if she's praying to God.
In this still, low-key as well as back lighting can be said to have been used. With it looking like something from a horror movie, the still helps present the character who looks like he's on top a staircase as something of a predator as he stands. As well as this, the complete darkness at the bottom of the image through the low-key lighting make the character of the top of the stairs look as if he's going to the 'deep depths' of a basement, again key iconography of a horror film.
In this last still, high-key lighting is used. Although shadows are created, they are in a way that a contrast between light and dark isn't completely jarring. In addition to this, top lighting is used as a way of presenting both characters as glamorous and perhaps quite stylish, particularly for the time period.
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