Tuesday, 15 December 2015

MEST2: BBFC Institution research

MEST2: BBFC Institution research
  1. The BBFC is a body which essentially controls the content screened in cinemas, with the age-rating process quite a key part of this. It is funded by the charges they make to classify films and not actually by the government whatsoever. However, in making changes to these fees the Department of Culture, Media and Sport have to consulted for approval of the changes.
  2. Films are rated by BBFC examiners who watch the films they're classifying in BBFC cinemas to get an accurate representation as to how viewers are going to experience the film. In examining, the film’s synopsis, as well as things like bad language are kept a log of by them.
  3. The BBFC have to consider issues such as whether or not the content of a film is in any conflict with the law and also things such as it could desensitise viewers to certain aspects such as violence upon watching it. Drugs, sex and language are all issues they [BBFC] consider.
  4. The Dark Knight received quite a number of complaints from viewers for its portrayal of violence at its 12A age rating. With the elements of sadism evident in the film with things such as a bomb able to be seen 'inside another man's stomach,' it's questionable why the film wasn't given a higher age rating. I personally think the film should have been given at least a 15, especially with the fact that one of the issues the BBFC consider themselves is if a film can cause: 'any harm at the age rating concerned.' With children being able to watch the film seeing that they have a parent or guardian with them, it's not clear exactly how a film with sadistic elements like this would not got a higher rating than it did since it could without a doubt potentially desensitise 'a potential viewer to the effects of violence.'
  5. Films rated 15 can include:
  • Strong violence
  • Frequent strong language
  • Portrayals of sexual activity
  • Strong verbal references to sex
  • Sexual nudity
  • Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
  • Discriminatory language or behaviour
  • Drug taking

6. 'Straight Outta Compton' was given an age rating of 15 by the BBFC and this was for aspects it included with things to do with language, sex, violence and drugs. With things such as the use of the n-word, physical altercations and the smoking of drugs, it can be understood why 'Straight Outta Compton' received the age rating it did. Children being able to view such a film might have had their sense of right or wrong skewed or even their social development change as a whole.

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